Point Cloud Visibility Settings
Point Cloud Visibility
Left click the Point Cloud toggle button to toggle the point cloud on/off.

HotKey: E
Visibility can be controlled at the project level and at the setup level:
Point Cloud Coloration
Left click the Cloud Color button, and choose Color from Scanner, Hue/Intensity Map, or Greyscale Intensity Map.

Color from Scanner
Applies true color to the point cloud from the images.

Hue/Intensity Map
Applies a multi-hue (red to blue) color map.

Greyscale Intensity Map
Applies a greyscale color map.

HDR Color From Scanner
Applies HDR color if available.

Color by Class
Applies a classified color render to the point cloud. This option will only be available if the project is published with classification, for example from Pegasus OFFICE.

Once the Color by Class renderer has been selected, you can edit the properties of the renderer by selecting the Edit button.

The Classification dialog contains all of the classes available in the project. The color of the class can be edited by selecting the color next to the class name. This will open a color picker.

The visibility of each class can be toggled by selecting the the visibility toggle next to each class name. Mulitple rows can be selected by holding down the SHIFT button

Color by Elevation
Applies a renderer that colors the point cloud by elevation classes. The point cloud will be classified into ranges of elevation values as defined by the user.

The properties of the Color by Elevation renderer can be edited by selecting the Edit button next to the point cloud renderer.

The Elevation properties dialog can be used to define the size and range of each class.

Height reference: The base elevation value at which the elevation render will start.
Height Step: The value at which a new class is created.
Number of classes: Total number of classes that the points will be distributed across.
The color of the class can be edited by selecting the color next to the class name. This will open a color picker.

Color by Setup/Track
Applies a render that colors each point based on the track that it is associated with. This renderer will only work with mobile data.
Each track will be represented by a single color:

The properties of the Color by Elevation renderer can be edited by selecting the Edit button next to the point cloud renderer.

The color of the class can be edited by selecting the color next to the class name. This will open a color picker.