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Release Notes | EpcA SDK 2024.1.1

Leica Geosystems

Leica EpcA SDK 2024.1.1 Release Notes


Leica EpcA SDK 2024.1.1 Release Notes


Aug. 30, 2024

Created by

Reality Capture Software Product Management

Highlights for this release


Detailed Description

Reality Cloud Studio (RCS) Connection

This release features support of new point cloud source type: Reality Cloud Studio. To support Reality Cloud Studio, an account to access Reality Cloud Studio projects is needed. The user needs login credentials (Email + Password) and be granted access to available assets under the provided account. To trigger this function via CwApi_ImportModelSpaceView*, the new connection string is “.rcs”.

Due to support of Reality Cloud Studio, the “Manage Connections” dialog has been changed. Reality Cloud Studio tab is added as active tab. There is only one function in this tab: Logout button. It will be active if currently logged on by the user. Logging out is not usually needed if the user is the only person working on the computer to access Reality Cloud Studio projects.

JetStream Enterprise Connection

Support for connecting to JetStream Enterprise has been removed. JetStream Enterprise is no longer sold or updated by Leica Geosystems. Please refer to the Deprecated Features section.

Import Point Cloud (E57/LAS/PTX)

A user can directly select a generic E57/LAS/PTX file to import and open. When such file is selected, we will check if a matching LGSx file exists in the same location. If so, we will try to open it. Otherwise, it will start a separate importer (CwPtxxImport.exe). Depending on the size of file, it may take a sometime to finish the conversion and import process. The dialog will be waiting for it to finish if it determines that the import can finish in a few seconds. Otherwise, it will simply return and the OK button is disabled. A map between original file and imported LGSx file is also maintained. To trigger this function via CwApi_ImportModelSpaceView*, The new connection string is “.ptx”.

Virtual Surveyor Toolset (Preview only)

An experimental Virtual Surveyor Toolset is being developed. A user may evaluate the preliminary features set of this new toolset using the provided CwControls Sample application. First, a project file (LGSx etc.) should be opened, and then the command vs should be entered for lunching the Virtual Surveyor Toolset window. ETA for an official availability of this highly anticipated feature will be shared soon.

APIs Changes and Bug Fixes

New APIs
  • CwApi_LaunchPickPointInfoDialog to launch modeless dialog to show picking info. You need to implement DCB callback to support picking. See API reference for detail.

  • CwApi_GetSetupTimestamp to get track and timing information about a mobile setup.

  • CwApi_FindScanWorld to find the the closest scanworld or mobile setup to given point.

  • CwApi_HasPanoImage to find if the given mobile setup contains pano image.

  • CwApi_SupportRenderPanoImage to turn off support of pano image rendering. By default, it is supported.


Deprecated/Removed APIs
  • CwApi_EnableAsyncRendering is no longer supported. All point cloud rendering happens asynchronously.

  • CwApi_EnableRenderServer do not use it unless you have CwPcuServer.exe

  • CwApi_BeginViewChange and CwApi_EndViewChange no effect

  • CwApi_GetMinPointSpacing and CwApi_SetMinPointSpacing not applicable

  • CwApi_GetLoadMax and CwApi_SetLoadMax not applicable

  • CwApi_GetJetServerAndPort deprecated will remove soon

  • CwApi_ConnectJetServer deprecated will remove soon

  • CwApi_DisconnectJetServer deprecated will remove soon

  • CwApi_VerifyJetProjectName deprecated will remove soon

  • CwApi_LaunchChangeJetServer deprecated will remove soon

  • CwApi_LaunchChangeServer deprecated will remove soon


Bug Fixes
  • CYS-33239 - When publishing to LGSx, incorrect ScanDepth image layer was created, resulting data was 8-bit but should be 32-bit float. Fix has also been applied to other image layers that use the same pixel type ImagePixelType_GRAY. The pixel byte size can be 1, 2 or 4 and is determined by mWidthInBytes divided by mWidth. In C++ sample, command “ut cubeimg” lets you switch to different image layer for rendering. Check out the code for more details, including the 3rd command parameter. For more information about rendering image layers, see documentation of CwApi_SetDesiredCubeImageLayer. If you open a point cloud that has Camera/DisplayIR/IR/HDR/ScanDepth/ScanIntensity layers, use following command in C++ sample to switch to desired cube image display. You may turn off point cloud visibility in order to see more clear images.

    • “ut cubeimg” will list all cube image layers and list some setups with cube image loading test.

    • “ut cubeimg *ir” will switch to DisplayIR layer

    • “ut cubeimg ir” will switch to IR display (this will only map the 16-bit infrared values to Hue colors)

    • “ut cubeimg scandepth” will switch to ScanDepth layer and map 32-bit float depth to repeated 5.12m ranges.

    • “ut cubeimg scanintensity” will switch to gray scale scan intensity layer.

    • “ut cubeimg *camera” is the default mode, use RGB layer with some fallbacks when missing.

  • CYS-32059 - In C++ sample, render as bitmap mode will fail to render cube image when point visibility is turned off. This is a regression in 2023.1.0+ and the fix is in SDK level. With the fix, you can still see background image (cube-image or Pegasus setup camera image) when point visibility is off. This allows to open LGSx project that contains only image and depth layers (published for TruView). Note, our CloudWorx products do not support such file, because image is not displayed in CloudWorx plugins. Without point cloud, it is useless in CloudWorx.

  • CYS-31737 – A fix to make sure display unit of imperial inch is preserved when reloaded from CWPRJ file. This was due to precision that the scale stored in XML of preferences should have 6 decimal places.

  • CYS-31644 - The rendering was broken when reference point cloud is deleted and all point clouds are from remote Cyclone ENTERPRISE server. The issue actually applies to MDI usage such as AutoCAD: if we have two documents open each connects to a remote CyENT point cloud, closing one will cause the other one’s rendering to fail. We should not disconnect on close if there are other point cloud open from the same server.

Feedback and Support

Your feedback and inputs are always welcome. If you identify any issue in query, rendering or performance, please report to

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